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Chris Sabo Yo’ Ass

Updated: February 11, 2011

While waiting in line yesterday, I heard a man mumble something in his girlfriend’s ear.

She didn’t blush or shyly smile with doe-ful eyes.

He said it again, and I swear it sounded like, “I will Chris Sabo yo’ ass.”

Which made me wonder:

1) Is Chris Sabo relevant again?

2) When you “Chris Sabo” someone, can they return it with a “Jeff Blauser“?

3) Is it the flat top?

4) Norris or Sabo? Over/Under?

5) Is it a curse word, state of being, or an action?

6) Are we witnessing the apocalypse?

7) If so, is Sabo God or Satan?

8) If not, what the hell does that mean?

9) Help.

10) If you’re married, or highly religious, use it as a form of cougar repellent.