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Some social media love for Brandon McCarthy

Updated: January 4, 2015

The other day I posted an entry complimentary of the entertaining Twitter feed of the Dodgers’ newest lefty, Brett Anderson.

The Dodgers’ other new pitcher, Brandon McCarthy, also is no slouch. Like Anderson, McCarthy has a similar twitter profile pic. I’m not sure how much one has to do with the other, but as a fan I love the solidarity.

The two both seem to have a good sense of humor. They both post about random crap that is neither self-serving nor baseball-related. It’s absolutely entertaining and they both add nicely to any Dodger fan’s list of Twitter follows.

While the back end of the Dodgers’ rotation is still in some jeopardy, two free agent pitchers have proven their social media worth. Here’s hoping their performance on the mound matches the entertainment value of their online personas.

If you examine these two works of art from their respective profiles, you can see that McCarthy and Anderson are basically twins in their “Dodgers” gear. Photos from

Brett Anderson
