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The new best National Anthem

Updated: September 30, 2013

If you are an American sports fan, you have heard the national anthem in a variety of forms. Whitney Houston, Marvin Gaye, and Jimi Hendrix all come to mind for me.

But there is just something about a crowd singing it all together that always gives me goosebumps. I’m convinced it is the way everyone needs to do it from now on. Everything else comes in second.

Here’s what it sounds like when the crowd sings it.

For those of you young’ns who haven’t ever seen Hendrix’, here it is:

Marvin Gaye was damn cool.

Whitney Houston was the most memorable one I’ve ever seen live on TV.

All of these are amazing, but the rule should be that the crowd sings vigorously together from now on. Like they did in Kansas City. OK?