Comments on: Mustangs lose, but fans win For the fans by the fans Wed, 15 Mar 2017 09:08:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: owenmain Tue, 04 Feb 2014 18:43:10 +0000 Directly from the Big West’s release this week:

“Eversley’s left-handed dunk on Big West leading shot blocker 7-6 Mamadou Ndiaye of UCI ended up as No. 1 on ESPN’s Sports Center “SC Top 10” highlight show.”

So I was mistaken. It was number 1, not number 3. As for finding the highlight show online, good luck!

By: owenmain Tue, 04 Feb 2014 05:25:40 +0000 I dunno which top-10. I tried to find it too and couldn’t find ANY of the SC top-10’s, which leads me to believe that maybe ESPN doesn’t post them?

There were at least a few tweets I think I saw that mentioned it was number 3 in the countdown — I think Taylor Sutlive might have tweeted it if you follow him…

Good to know the origins of the cheer. One of the reasons I enjoy doing the site is to learn stuff like that. Thanks again for reading and commenting.

By: owenmain Tue, 04 Feb 2014 05:22:47 +0000 Hey Pedro, thanks for reading. It was the first sellout in a few years — I think I was at the last one too. I’ve only heard the I believe chant at Cal Poly during soccer games- glad to know lots of other schools are utilizing it too since it’s a chant I enjoy.

I really started watching Cal Poly basketball in the last year of the Bromley era which is to say there wasn’t much to root for. I think a lot of what was going on turned the community and students off. Callero has definitely rebuilt interest, but getting from bad to decent is a lot easier than getting from decent to very good every year.

To answer your question, Cal Poly getting beat by 14 is probably a lot like another team getting beat by 20. They generally don’t get that far out of games in conference because of the slow pace and low number of possessions. The players and Callero seemed pretty bummed about the performance they put up after the game. They seem like a pretty mature group — always have figured something out in the past so no reason to think they won’t again.

I think there are 5-6 teams who will be really hard outs in the tourney and I think Cal Poly might improve enough to still be in that group. We have half the conference season to see.

I’ve asked people about the tie before and I’ll ask JD Scroggin (Cal Poly beat writer for the Tribune) again when he comes on the podcast again in a week or two. I think it’s something he’s asked Callero about before.

What school do you root for?

By: Luke Durkin Tue, 04 Feb 2014 05:21:52 +0000 don’t be a hater, it’s all realative, this was a big night for cal poly, but yes it still pales in comparison to OK ST’s fans tonight vs Iowa St.

and yes, it’s a basketball cheer, started or at least made famous by Utah State. I always try to give them credit for this.

As for the SC Top 10, do you mean SportscenterU top 10, it’s hard to find videos of that online but it looks like if found on for SC at right time and it was not there. I just want to see if for myself

By: Pete Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:07:28 +0000 This is really cute, I remember my first sellout. Crowd must have been a big lift, how much would you have lost by if they weren’t there, 25?

Side note: the place fits 3,000. It is a glorified high school gym. How are they not selling it out every game??
Another side note: “I Believe” is not a soccer chant, it is a basketball chant that about 500+ schools use and do better than Cal Poly.

Tell your coach to put on a tie.

By: Luke Durkin Mon, 03 Feb 2014 06:29:21 +0000

I believe that we will win cheer

By: Luke Durkin Mon, 03 Feb 2014 06:25:22 +0000 and the 3 guys leading the cheers, at least one was on the soccer team, Kaba Alekublan, can’t not recognize those dreads

By: Luke Durkin Mon, 03 Feb 2014 06:24:17 +0000 Love the article! Dreams came true saturday night. I knew mott could easily fill up and easily rock out and it did, nobody believed me, but that place was rocking. Love it! LOVE IT! now lets make saturday night at Mott like this every night! It’s not long before students will be lining up hours early to get into games. 3hrs early for the ucsb game? at least. apparently thousands got turned away saturday and over 300 were listening from the lawn outside. need to to simulcast the games in the UU plaza or the rec center main gym or cal poly tv
