Comments on: LeBron James: The King of Spin Doctors, Great Minds & Fools For the fans by the fans Wed, 15 Mar 2017 09:08:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Luke Johnson Mon, 04 Jun 2012 13:50:09 +0000 I imagine “liking” this comment.

By: Cuz Del Loco Sun, 03 Jun 2012 21:59:08 +0000 Valid point, but as you said there are many factors to greatness… Don’t contradict your argument though… If Lebron can be on the greatest list and lack the “clutch factor” then your Mamba argument is therefore moot… Kobe is a top great for soo many reasons… I laugh at your 2 – 7 footers keeping him in the game statement… You realize this was his 16th season right? My last 2 minutes argument was merely a single criteria measurement to greatness, not to be taken as the sole measurement to greatness, which is why Robert Horry would not and should not be in this conversation… Kobe added so many other dominating factors to the game other than his “clutchness”… I agree that Lebron is a better facilitator, but Kobe will go down in history as one of the greatest scorers and closers to ever play in the NBA… My last point to add is hell yeah “All hail Kobe”… To be able to put up the numbers he did for so many years and take the burden of hitting the “clutch” shot with proven success is much more memorable than putting up dominating #’s for naught because when it mattered most you couldn’t come through… As stated many times there are many factors to greatness… No player is perfect… Lebron lacks “clutchness” and Kobe lacks “facilitation”… Both are great in their own right, but Kobe’s greatness has spanned over 16 seasons which is why I feel you can compare the two players talents, but achievements and overall greatness you cannot not put Lebron on Kobe’s level………. Yet!

By: Cuz Del Loco Sun, 03 Jun 2012 21:37:33 +0000 Agreed…

By: Luke Johnson Sun, 03 Jun 2012 18:02:41 +0000 And I want to set the record straight: As of today Michael Jeffrey Jordan is the greatest player this league has ever seen for a variety of reasons. LeBron is the greatest talent, and arguably the greatest facilitator this league has ever seen.

By: Luke Johnson Sun, 03 Jun 2012 18:01:33 +0000 Actually, I did not crown him anything in the article, Oscar Robertson did. So…side as you may…I think I’ll side with a top – 5 hall of famer.

By: Luke Johnson Sun, 03 Jun 2012 17:59:56 +0000 Franchise, your argument would not be with me then, it would be with Oscar Robertson. Good luck!

By: Luke Johnson Sun, 03 Jun 2012 17:59:32 +0000 Could not agree more Lacy.

By: Lacedogg Sat, 02 Jun 2012 21:01:05 +0000 I couldn’t agree with you more Luke. To add to your point, I would say that Lebron’s greatness is destroyed by the way our society thinks. With easy access to highlights and articles via internet and mobile phone, who actually sits down and watches an entire basketball game? This “killer instinct” is one aspect of one’s game, just like athleticism and post play. To measure greatness with this single attribute is unfair. We should simply say that “Lebron is not clutch.” Is that really what stops him from winning a championship? Putting up insane numbers yet not hitting the final shot? All those years in Cleveland where he “choked”, were years that he had no star companion. Of course he can’t score in the clutch! The other team knows who to double team, and that the other four guys on the court don’t matter. True fans of the game measure 48 minutes, and not 2 (4%).
I love the Kobe comparisons, a guy who shoots 10 for 30, and needs his two star 7-footers to keep him in the game for 46 minutes. When he hits that final shot….all hail Kobe! You know why the last 2 minutes are so important? Because most “fans” only watch those 2 minutes. Consider this: If the final shot or clutch factor is the only measure of greatness, Robert Horry is a top 5 player of all time!

By: The Franchise Sat, 02 Jun 2012 01:03:22 +0000 Lebron to me is the best athlete in the game of basketball, lets not fool ourselves and mistake that for the best basketball player to ever play the game. Clearly his athleticism gives him those stats, not work ethic. So lets not crown him yet.

By: Cuz Del Loco Fri, 01 Jun 2012 23:23:38 +0000 Sorry cuz, but unfortunately stats are not the only criteria that make you out to be one of the greatest ever… Yes, Lebron will go down as the greatest talent to ever play the game of basketball, but until he masters the all important “killer instinct” or ability to close out an opponent in the most crucial part of the game, then all you will be known as is a great talent that didn’t have what it takes to finish. Everyone knows, especially in the playoffs that the end of the game is all that matters… Keep it close until the final few minutes and then the “star” of the team takes over and closes it out… This is what makes them amazing… The way they perform under pressure… You name any top 10 great and they have all possessed this ability throughout their careers and have won the big show… Those who have not, although very very talented basketball players and great in certain ways, have not earned the title of “Overall Greatness” or “Greatest”. So in closing I state that YES! Lebron James is the greatest basketball talent to ever play the game, but he lacks the ability to use that greatness to lead his team to and conquer the final prize. It takes physical and mental greatness, composure, heart and a hunger for victory to become the greatest of all time… Lebron certainly shines in some of those categories, has more than enough potential to prove all of the skeptics wrong and fortunately for him has plenty of time left in his career to prove it… I respect Lebron’s talent and shear domination of the game, but I disagree with your already implied level of greatness… You are too quick to the gun with handing out the title of “One of the greatest ever”… Just like you did with Durant… Part of building a great legacy is consistency and sustainability… Rank Kobe wherever you want, but he is going into his 17th season and still came in 2nd in scoring and could have won it if he didn’t get injured… All I’m saying is many factors play into being one of the greatest… More than just stats and talent… That is all lol… For now 🙂
