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CHiPs and oncoming middle-age

Updated: May 25, 2015

The pitcher’s name was Eric Estrada.

“Eric Estrada,” I said to the play by play kid between innings. “Have you made any CHiPs jokes?”

He looked at me like a cow looks at an oncoming train, and I came to a split second realization. This kid doesn’t know what CHiPs is. Also, holy crap I’m old.

“Do you even know the TV show CHiPS?” I asked.

The answer was quiet, yet deafening.


So, there it is. I’ve reached the next level of old guy. The days when I could at least half-relate to kids in high school or college may be coming to an end. Or, perhaps, I’m overreacting and CHiPs just didn’t have the cultural impact on everyone else that it seems to have had on me. Yeah, maybe that’s it… .

In case you’re not familiar, here’s the iconic opening with the song.

Rick Rosner, your creation was splendid. Straight out of the 70’s and into my generation’s childhood.

Just to be sure that the one kid from northern California wasn’t just sheltered, I asked a 16 year-old the next day whether he knew what CHiPs was. Of course he didn’t.

Larry Wilcox and Erik Estrada brought highway patrol capers into my living room through most of my growing up. For whatever reason, a 21 year-old and 16 year-old telling me they have no clue about CHiPs feels like a tipping point for me.

With a jolt, I’m middle-aged. It’s probably been going on for a while. Self-awareness is a bitch.