Sabrina Haggie – Fansmanship For the fans by the fans Fri, 12 Mar 2021 03:58:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 For the fans by the fans Sabrina Haggie – Fansmanship For the fans by the fans Sabrina Haggie – Fansmanship San Luis Obispo, CA Weekly-ish The Importance of Changing Your Workout Routine Fri, 18 Apr 2014 15:36:50 +0000 A few weeks ago I walked into the gym when it was pouring with rain outside and thought, why am I here? I could be at home all snuggled up on the couch watching television in my pajamas. Instead I am here, in this humid gym. It was then that I realized the reason for […]]]>
You've got to keep your workout routine varied. By By SPC Ryan D. Green, via Wikimedia Commons

You’ve got to keep your workout routine varied. By By SPC Ryan D. Green, via Wikimedia Commons

A few weeks ago I walked into the gym when it was pouring with rain outside and thought, why am I here? I could be at home all snuggled up on the couch watching television in my pajamas. Instead I am here, in this humid gym. It was then that I realized the reason for my lack of motivation was because I have done the same workouts for months.

Every day that I go to the gym, it is the same thing, maybe in a different sequential order but the same exercises. After doing the same exercises day after day and month after month, I slowly lost my motivation. It was at that moment that I made the choice to switch up my workouts.

There are a few good benefits for switching up the exercises in your daily workouts. For me the most important thing to is to make my workouts exciting and challenging. Without the challenge of new exercises, it is easy to get bored and not put in the effort needed to make a workout effective.

When you do the same workouts, your muscles are not stressed enough and therefore they don’t tear, reconstruct and grow in a healthy cycle. It’s important to incorporate new and more difficult exercises into your routine. If you are a runner, then change it up by doing sprints instead of a 14-mile run. The same goes for if you lift weights, switch up the reps, sets and the amount you lift. This can be done in Yoga as well. I’m sure there is a difficult pose you have always wanted to do but haven’t tried. The best thing to do is work on new, varied things a little at a time.

It is extremely important to establish fitness goals, no matter how crazy or out of reach they may sound. If you need some inspiration, check out Instagram pictures and videos of your favorite types of exercises. When you establish what your goal is, slowly work towards that, every day. For me, my goal is to be able to not only do multiple pull-ups but also to be able to do body weight exercises on the bars.

My first step is to just hang from a bar and let my muscles feel my body weight. Then I will try to do a pull up. The first ones will definitely be assisted with a band, but as time goes on, I can develop those muscles and be able to achieve my goals. So I encourage everyone to write down their fitness goals and the process to getting there. Make your first step towards that today, right now!

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When it comes to fitness, find what works for you Wed, 29 Jan 2014 00:57:00 +0000 There are many articles out there on how to maintain your fitness goals and they all say the same thing. You must eat right, workout regularly, keep a food journal, have a workout partner to be accountable to and switch up your training routine regularly. While those are all great ideas to start with, I […]]]>
When it comes to fitness goals, Sabrina says to find out what works for you!

When it comes to fitness goals, Sabrina says to find out what works for you!

There are many articles out there on how to maintain your fitness goals and they all say the same thing. You must eat right, workout regularly, keep a food journal, have a workout partner to be accountable to and switch up your training routine regularly. While those are all great ideas to start with, I think the most important thing to do in order to maintain your fitness goals is create a plan that works for you.

If you don’t like working out with a partner then find your own groove. Find out what motivates YOU. Is it watching others at the gym and copying their exercises? Or is it watching fitness compilation videos on YouTube to help get you through your cardio session? The trick is finding what works for you and stick to that. If you have a hard time physically getting to the gym, try paying for a class or for personal training in advance. That way you have a smaller chance of cancelling since you already paid for the services. Another way I like to motivate myself is to put five dollars in a jar after every workout that I’ve completed. After a month or several weeks, I will use that money to purchase something special that I have been wanting for a while.

Now, the hardest part for many people is to maintain the “diet.” My thoughts are not to be on a specific diet but to eat as healthy as possible. If you have a difficult time drastically changing your diet from fast food to nothing but fruits and vegetables overnight then do it gradually. The best way to do that is to start with one meal a week. Start with making your breakfast healthy for one week and then focus on lunch, snacks and finally dinner. Don’t forget to allow yourself have a few unhealthy things every so often and when you do, do not feel guilty about it.

If you are starting a new fitness regimen I think it is very important to track how far you have come since the beginning.  Some people like to take before and after photos while others will weigh themselves throughout the process. I personally just track my progress with how tight or loose my clothes feel. I do not think it is healthy for a woman to constantly weigh herself as your weight fluctuates daily depending on water intake and diet.

Don’t be afraid to try multiple different ways to attain your fitness goals. If working out at 5 am works for you then maintain that. If keeping a food journal works for you then do it. Or if you share that food journal with a professional so they can give you suggestions, which is also very effective.

Play around with it, make it fun and most importantly give yourself credit for all of the work you put into attaining your fitness goals.

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